Insurance claims


The available postal choices encompass complimentary shipping for orders exceeding $200 or more. The shipment will be dispatched without the inclusion of insurance. In the event that the bottle sustains damage during transportation, you will not be eligible for a replacement. To ensure coverage for potential loss or damage of your bottle, kindly select the option labeled ‘free delivery with insurance’. This alternative will provide complimentary posting of the goods, while requiring payment for insurance coverage. The insurance expense will be assessed at a rate of 1.2% of the total value of the purchase and will be computed automatically and included in your shopping cart. The insurance option is preselected during the checkout process when finalizing the order. If the checkbox is not ticked, insurance coverage will not be provided.

Additionally, customers have the opportunity to secure insurance for their merchandise by opting for either Express Post or Parcel Post services offered by Australia Post. The calculation of this metric is performed by Australia Post, and manual calculation is not feasible.

Kindly refrain from requesting for the order to be left unattended, as such requests will not be acknowledged. In the event that there is no individual present at the designated residence, the order will be transported to the nearest post office for retrieval.



In the event that your order is lost, stolen, or destroyed due to unforeseen circumstances, and you need to make an insurance claim, please initiate the process by sending an email to

We intend to submit an inquiry to the postal service and conduct an investigation into the potential circumstances behind the item’s whereabouts. The duration of this process may extend for a maximum of 20 days. Upon determining the cause for the non-appearance of the item, we shall proceed to initiate the insurance claim on your behalf. Upon acceptance by the postal service, we shall proceed to provide a full refund for the order or alternatively, offer a replacement for the item.


710 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11217

72 Long Lane, Halesowen, Birmingham, United Kingdom, B62 9DJ

Tel: +1 (888) 646-4024

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